DragTimes.info Bugatti Veyron vs. Nissan GT-R

Due for an update sorry guys!

Got this off my Fresno buddy Marco’s blog: momohitsthespot.com

Check out my boys blog and show some love!!

This video seriously gave me the chills…especially seeing the spoiler functionality and movement on the Veyron in action!

Never seen an all white Bugatti Veyron either…*SEX ON WHEELS* literally…

Lately I am starting to crave to get myself into the new GT-R *Hmmm* we’ll see within the next couple months =)

Till then enjoy the video, it speaks for itself.


Did I mention the GTR has 730hp…

This is what HWY Battles are all about…

*CANT WAIT TILL MY LEXUS IS300 is done from the shop*

I have the worst craving for speed…TOP END!